We’re pleased to announce that $VPP is now live on Base Chain!
📝 The contract address is:
👉 0xF578aD8809F13dAbF921bdD3fCFBe194d0AB5628
🔐 $VPP was bridged via our new partner: Chainport
Chainport is a highly reputable bridge solution that has never suffered a hack due to their unique system for securing the majority of funds in cold wallets.
🔐 $VPP was bridged using their Wrapped Asset Bridging Method:
Wrapped Asset Bridging is ChainPort's traditional bridging for tokens architecture, which involves issuance of tokens on one target chain backed by assets held in a vault on the source chain. A wrapped token reflects the value of the underlying assets, enabling seamless cross-chain transfers. As part of the bridging process, the bridge locks assets on the original blockchain in multi-sig segregated vaults, while equivalent wrapped tokens are minted on the target blockchain. In order to bridge to another chain or return to the native chain, the minted tokens must first be burnt.
Bridge Links
🧲$VPP ETH to Base Bridge Link: https://bit.ly/VPPETHtoVPPBaseBridge
🧲 $VPP Base to ETH Bridge Link: https://bit.ly/VPPBaseToVPPETHBridge
How to Bridge
Uniswap USDC to VPP Link
🔗 Buy $VPP: https://bit.ly/USDCtoVPPUniswapBase
🔗 Sell $VPP: https://bit.ly/VPPtoUSDCUniswapBase
Dextools Link:
👉 How to Bridge ETH from Ethereum to Base
- Go to the official Base Bridge: https://bridge.base.org/deposit
- Connect wallet and choose an amount of ETH to send
- Submit transaction
⏰ Using the Official Main Base bridge takes ~3 minutes
👉 How to Bridge VPP Tokens from ETH to Base in 3 Steps
Below is a step-by-step guide on how to bridge VPP tokens from Ethereum to Base. Please note that token holders can also bridge VPP tokens in the opposite route, from Base to ETH, by swapping the source and target chains.
Step 1 - Connect Your Wallet
Go to ChainPort's bridge (https://bit.ly/VPPETHtoVPPBaseBridge ) and connect your wallet. ChainPort supports Ledger, Trezor, Coinbase Wallet, Wallet Connect, and Metamask wallets. Select the wallet with the Ethereum-based VPP tokens you wish to bridge to Base.
Step 2 - Select the Chains & Token
In the drop-down menu, select the source blockchain and the target blockchain. In our case, the source chain is Ethereum, and the target chain is Base. Select the VPP as the token you wish to bridge from the dropdown menu.
Step 3 - Confirm Tx & Get Tokens
Review all related information, including gas fees and the token, before confirming the transaction. Once you have confirmed all details, approve the transaction and wait a few minutes for it to be processed. Afterward, your VPP tokens have been successfully bridged from Ethereum to Base.
⏰ Bridging takes approximately ~4minutes
Thank you to our loyal community members - this is just the first step in the evolution and upgrade of $VPP token.