Learn more about How to Be a Justice on Virtue Poker:
Virtue Player Points (VPP) have three core utilities within the Virtue Poker network. They can be (1) secured in a smart contract called the Justice Registry that enable users to stake tokens and validate hands on the network via running Justice nodes in exchange for fees, (2) used as an in-game currency and (3) used to access special tournaments.
As a Phase 1 Token sale participant, you are eligible to participate in the Justice Beta Program. We will accept applicants into the Justice System by the end of summer for those interested in staking tokens and becoming Justice nodes on Virtue Poker.
Justice System Beta Program Packages:
The Virtue Poker team will be opening the Justice Beta program at the end of our Alpha to our Phase 1 Participants. You will become an integral part of team, and we will work together to fine tune the Justice System with Justice System Beta Participants to ensure it will be ready for our full-scale production launch.
A maximum of 200 Justice Nodes will be available for purchase for Phase 1. A single Justice node (the Justice minimum) will be 50 ETH. Virtue Poker may decide to add additional Justice nodes during Phase 2 of our sale if required to continue to scale the platform.
A minimum of 50% and a maximum of 90% of all fees generated on the platform will go to our Justice Nodes. Upon ongoing testing with our Justice Beta Participants, we will solidify the final percentage before launch. We need to understand the operational costs of our platform, so please be patient as we sort out these final details.
Our goal is for the platform to capture 1% of the $3 billion USD global online poker market in our first 12 months after launch.

Justices nodes are run by downloading the Justice Node software and running the node on hardware such as an AWS instance. Justices provide three core utilities to the Virtue Poker platform: (1) log hand activity and cryptographically sign the end hand result data and submit for storage, (2) provide missing keys should a player drop out before a hand is completed and (3) participate in shuffling deck of cards along with players to provide additional security.
NOTE: Justices are not humans who oversee games and make decisions regarding cheating. They are nodes (software) which run without human oversight. Specialized equipment (mining rigs) are not required.
In order to become a Justice, interested participants will have to purchase a minimum of 50 ETH worth of VPP (200,000 to 400,000 VPP depending on our token sale outcome) and then will have to stake their tokens in the Justice Registry.
Justice assignment to tables is based on a combination of two factors:
(1) the amount your Justice node has staked in the registry, and
(2) the number of hands your Justice has submitted to storage in the past.
This serves two purposes: first, it requires Justices to be collateralized to prevent against malicious Justices from misreporting hand data, and second, it enables our building a reputation system into the Justice System so that it cannot be monopolized simply by acquiring and staking large amounts of VPP.
Those who participate in our Early Adopter Token Sale will have exclusive access to become part of our Justice System Beta program, and can begin building the reputation component of the Justice Node(s) by working with the Virtue Poker team throughout the course of our Beta.
We will only add additional Justices to the system if it is required for the system to scale.
Our goal for Virtue Poker is build a poker platform for players by players, so we invite you to join us in this vision by becoming an Early Adopter and Participating in Phase 1 of the Virtue Poker Token Sale at 10 am EDT on April 25th 2018.