Thank you to everyone who has participated in our Launch Test and our Pre-launch promotions so far. Our goal for these promotions is to reward our loyal players who continue to help us test and improve the platform in anticipation of our full Mainnet Launch in February.
After reviewing the structure of the previous promotion and looking at your feedback in our survey - we felt that we needed to restructure this promotion to help players achieve higher goals and win more ETH and VPPs.
Our two most popular promotions were Daily Random Drawings and our Grinder Promotion. In addition, we've decided to add and test our Cash Game tables! Check out the list of promo's below:
1. Cash Table Random Daily Drawings
Today - we will be launching a cash game tables with a 100 finney (.1 ETH) buy-in with a small blind of 0.5 finney and a big blind of 1 finney. The rake can be found below:
Virtue Poker will announce random daily drawing for 0.5 ETH for all players who play a minimum of 50 hands that go to the flop in our cash table. Player's will receive an additional entry for each additional 50 hands played that go to the flop. Virtue Poker will announce these special drawings in our Telegram channel.
- Dates: Random, announced day of
- Play Requirements: 50 hands per drawing entry
**As a reminder our cash tables DO NOT have the following features yet: sit out implementation, or auto top-up and rebuy.**
2. Sit and Go Random Daily Drawings
We will announce in Telegram and through an email surprise Daily Drawings. We will specify the Grinder Point requirement to be included, and the prize(s) that will be rewarded. Virtue Poker will also do random daily drawings for our cash tables.These will always be announced DAY OF. So keep an eye on our Telegram and email for these announcements!
- Dates: Random, announced day of
- Play Requirements: Variable. Typically as low as 5 GP as high as 20 GP
3. Random Bust a Hosts
Virtue Poker will announce in our Telegram chat when a Virtue Poker Team member will log-on and join a Sit and Go. The host will announce the game type, buy-in, and a timeframe when he/she will join. The player who busts the host will win 2x the game buy-in as a prize, even if the player loses the tournament.
- Dates: Random, announced day of
- Play Requirements: none
4. Random ETH Prize Drops
Randomly, Virtue Poker will announce a “Happy Hour” whereby Virtue Poker will pick an active table and give all participating players an ETH bonus just by playing!
- Dates: Random, announced day of
- Play Requirements: none
5. Grinder Competition Revamp:
We’ve decided to restructure the grinder promotion so that players can more easily achieve higher bonuses and guaranteed payouts. All grinder bonuses are 100% rakeback or greater.
*Players will receive 0.75 ETH and 4,000 VPPS for every 200 GP threshold reached above 800. (cap at 2000 GP)
Grinder Competition Final Table
In addition, the top 6 players will play in a 6-handed Sit & Go for a top prize of 3 ETH on January 31st. (600 GP minimum)
- Dates: December 7th - January 24th
- Play Requirements: 100 GP minimum to be in the prize money
This promotion is subject to the Prelaunch Party Promotion Rules and the Virtue Poker Terms and Conditions.